Who is Barbara Marx Hubbard and what is Birth Day, December 22, 2012 – the day after the so-called end of times?
Since December 22 is only two days away and Barbara Marx Hubbard is planning to be everywhere – via cell phone, Twitter, and Skype – celebrating Birth Day, this is the perfect time to answer both questions.
Who is Barbara Marx Hubbard?
A visionary dreams of the kind of world he or she wants to create.
A futurist figures out how to do it.
Put the two together and you have Barbara Marx Hubbard.
Hubbard is the co-founder and chairperson of the Foundation for Conscious Evolution and the global ambassador for the conscious evolution movement; a shift from evolution by chance towards evolution by choice.
She has formed a global team to co-produce a global multi-media event titled, “Birth 2012.”
Other visionary futurists you may have heard of are:
- Alvin Toffler, who published Future Shock in 1970, argued that civilization was about to move from the industrial age to the information age. He coined the phrase “information overload.”
- HG Wells, who wrote The Shape of Things to Come in 1933, predicted that WWII would begin in the 1940s and the devastating use of aerial combat.
- Walt Disney, who built the Epcot theme park at Disney World.
What is Birth Day, December 22, 2012?
Birth Day, December 22, 2012, is the day Barbara Marx Hubbard plans to do her darndest to unite us all in what is called the noosphere, the thinking layer of the Earth, where we are not separate but one.
It will be a twenty-four hour day of celebration, a day Hubbard plans to “encourage, connect, and celebrate what’s born through all of us.” A day “to identify what’s good, what’s loving, and what’s able to create a future that works for us all.”
After the recent shootings in at Sandy Hill in Newtown, Connecticut, we have desperate need for a celebration – especially a celebration that will help us cross the gap between breakdown and breakthrough.
Birth Day, December 22 is the day after the end of the Mayan Calendar. On December 22, Barbara Marx Hubbard will ask, “What are you giving birth to in your life, in your work, in your whole movement that you feel contributes to the shift on planet Earth?”
She hopes 100 million people will wake up, take notice, and understand that they are one Global heart, one Global brain.
Spiritual leaders who will join Hubbard in hosting this world-wide celebration in hubs all over the world are:
How can I join in?
- Visit Barbara Marx Hubbard on, before, and beyond Birth Day, December 22, 2012.
- Visit the Shift Network for news, publishing, television, and radio that concentrates on breakthroughs instead of breakdowns.
- Choose work that is self-rewarding and of service.
Let’s join Barbara Marx Hubbard on December 22 to celebrate Birth Day, December 22, 2012, the celebration of an event that comes around only every 5,200 years.
Let’s participate in the greater whole.
So happy you are passing this around! One globe, one heart, beating together!
I just came from your other site. I love this. It really makes so much sense to me. I will do my very best to be a part of that day. Thanks for bringing this to my attention. 🙂
Yes, Susan. I think we should celebrate the beginning of our slow return to spring and summer, but also the many joys of winter and the holidays and the goodness in this world. Enjoy tomorrow!
Great post, Margaret. We watched Barbars’s multi-media presentation called “Theater of birth” – it was incredible!
Blessings for the promise of a new dawn!
Thanks Jodine. What an inspiration Barbara is.
Hi Jodi. I’m proud to pass along anything that brings hope, peace, and love to a world desperately in need of all three.