On year ago this month, I officially launched my blog, and last Friday, it received it’s 20,000th hit.
By some blog standards, this may not count for much, but for me it’s a milestone, and I appreciate each and every person who stopped by for a visit.
Today, I’m re-publishing my first blog post, in part to relive how it felt to take that first uncertain step, and in part to show–at least to myself–how far I’ve come 200+ posts later. My ambition of writing three posts per week has declined to a more realistic one.
I also realized that it’s more important to connect with my target audience (women, men in touch with their feminine, spiritual seekers, cultural creatives) than with fellow writers. Therefore, the recent change in blog content.
July 8, 2010 – My First Blog Post
“Become aware of what is in you. Announce it, pronounce it, produce it, and give birth to it.” –Meister Echart
Today, I officially launch my new blog.
I say officially, because I’ve been posting to this blog since April–practicing, if you will. I would much prefer to “give birth” to my novels in private and let someone else do the “announcing” and “pronouncing” for me, but, unfortunately, that is not an option.
“Each of us is rockin’ to the rhythm of the universe through our own unique beat, yet united in one harmonious chorus of life.” –Linda McNamar
Some days as I rock to the rhythm of the universe, my interpretation of it’s rhythm may lean toward the classical. Other days I may hear and express it as jazz or rock or rap. And on yet others, it may have a New Age feel to it. I’ll say it as I understand it. I will open, share, and release.
Though at first my blog may sound like a tree falling in the forest with no one there to hear, it is a commitment I plan to keep for at least six months, in hopes that it will find an appreciative audience. Why else does one launch colorful balloons into the sky with messages attached, except in hopes that someday, somewhere, someone will find them and read them?
I’ve made changes to this blog’s design and there will be many more, but hopefully the content will be consistent and interesting enough to encourage readers to stop by and return for regular visits.
Take The Cultural Creatives, for instance, a book written by Paul H. Ray, PH.D, and Sherry Ruth Anderson, PH.D. that gave me the idea for the titles of my novels and for my blog. In the introduction to chapter eight, it says, “The Between is the time between worldviews, values, and ways of life; a time between stories.
“…when the road before you leads through a dark wood, the entry point to the future is uncertainty itself. The sign on the threshold reads, ‘This way is unknown.’ Taking the next step is guaranteed to make you feel feckless, confused, even like an idiot. It’s precisely when you need to be on good, friendly terms with uncertainty.
“If you refuse to enter the dark wood or the swamp or the messy unknown places ahead, you’re going to stay right where you are.”
So here I am, stepping into the messy, unknown world of blogging with no knowledge of where it might lead, except someplace other than where I am.
How good is that?
Returning for my regular visit. I always enjoy visiting and hearing your voice.
Hi Rosi. Thanks for your regular visits. I appreciate them more than you know.
fantastic news, well done!!
Thanks Laura!
you are a wordsmith…. "The Between is the time between world views, values, and ways of life; a time between stories.
Thanks for being real and a touch vulnerable, us creatives have to take risks everyday to keep things fresh. Love your blog.
Hi Carrie. Yes, stepping out of our comfort zone, into the Between, is definitely part of the process. Well worth it in the end. Thanks for stopping by.