Why didn’t anyone ever tell me that setting up a blog was easy? Until I read Blogging for Dummies, I thought I needed to consult an expert to get me started or, at the very least, master complicated technological skills that I didn’t have the patience or inclination to learn. Guess it was a case of, “You never asked.” If the […]
Lost on the Internet
Sometimes I prefer educating myself as a writer using books rather than the Internet, because with books I stay on track and with the Internet I get sidetracked. One link leads to two others and then these lead to another five, until hours later I’ve forgotten my original purpose or how to get back to […]
Me Blog?
Have you ever considered starting a blog? I can already see you shaking your head. You probably think that blogging is for writers, politicians, political pundits, or egotistical people with nothing better to do. True. But here are fourteen reasons why you, too, might want to give it a try. You can use it as a networking tool. No matter what your business or occupation, […]
Blog Comments
Note to Reader: Currently, the “Comment” feature is disengaged. However, you can still “Like Me” on Facebook and subscribe to my blog/newsletter in the footer of my website. Have you ever wondered if you should leave a comment on a blog you consider interesting or useful? Let me assure you, the answer is yes. Respectful, […]
Why Blog?
Jane Friedman’s April 26, 2010 post, Why Start a Website or Bog If You Have Nothing to Promote? jump-started my blog for today. According to Jane, “on-line media can divert your attention/focus from writing your work in progress and reading in your genre,” to which I say, “Of course. I haven’t touched my novel in days (although nothing can […]
My Blog, Announcing it to the World
NOTE: This post was written in 2010, when I first started my Blogger Blog. I have since changed to WordPress. “Become aware of what is in you. Announce it, pronounce it, produce it, and give birth to it.” ~Meister Echart Today, I officially launch my new blog. I say officially, because I’ve been posting to this […]