Here is part 2 of The Indigo Evolution–narrated by Neale Donald Walsch–which I introduced in a previous post. In case you’re unfamiliar with Walsch, he is the author of the series, Conversations with God. He also stars in the movie, Indigo. HERE you can find the full length video on The Indigo Evolution. And here is a partial description of what […]
For Writers
The Indigo Evolution
In metaphysics, which is the study of everything outside of what science can measure, Indigos, Transitional Children, New Children, and Children of the Now are a much talked about–if not universally accepted–phenomenon, and I introduce them as characters in my fourth novel, Between Now and Forever. Is there such a thing as a new generation […]
My Blog, Announcing it to the World
NOTE: This post was written in 2010, when I first started my Blogger Blog. I have since changed to WordPress. “Become aware of what is in you. Announce it, pronounce it, produce it, and give birth to it.” ~Meister Echart Today, I officially launch my new blog. I say officially, because I’ve been posting to this […]
Creating a Custom Header for your Blogger Blog
Note to Reader: Since writing this post, I have completely revamped my website, including my website header. However, the content of this post is still relevant in creating a custom header. I must have changed the design of my now defunct Blogger site twenty times, using Blogger templates. There are so many choices. It’s hard […]
Social Media / Socialnomics
According to Wikipedia, Social media are media for social interaction, using highly accessible and scalable publishing techniques. Social media use web-based technologies to transform and broadcast media monologues into social media dialogues. They support the democratization of knowledge and information and transform people from content consumers to content producers. Short and Sweet summary: social med […]
Psycho Cybernetics and the Writer
In 1960, Maxwell Maltz, a plastic surgeon from New York, published a book on self-image psychology and goal visualization called Psycho Cybernetics. In it, he introduced the analogy of the brain as a cybernetic “servo-mechanism”, like a computer designed to find a path to the target it is programmed with. Today, there are hundreds of books on self-image psychology […]