To all writers – be you a novelist, journalist, PR-expert, or writer of Christmas letters – I think you’ll get a kick out of the Bla Bla Meter to “unmask” your writing style. Yep, it detects how much “bull” hides in your text. Bla Bla Meter Instructions You simply copy your excerpt (they suggest a minimum of five […]
For Writers
Thoughts Become Things, Unleash the Power of Yes
Thoughts Become Things: What I Want I want to welcome and create something new into existence and use my imagination and life’s synergy to play it forward like great inventors and authors do. You know, get into “The Zone.” It’s called “emergence,” and is a topic researchers in areas as diverse as psychology, biology, and computer […]
Making Sense of Our lives through Story
When writing a post recently for Visionary Fiction Alliance about the relevance of visionary fiction in today’s world, I realized how important “story” is to our lives. I’m not just talking about the stories written by our favorite authors for our reading pleasure. I’m talking about our life stories, the stories that begin on page one of a blank […]
A Letter from Dean Koontz
I’ve been blogging for over two years, and lately I’ve been doing some serious soul-searching about the value of working so hard. Then today, I received an email from Dean Koontz about a post I wrote about him at Visionary Fiction Alliance, and it has energized me in a way I haven’t been energized in a […]
Writer Welcomes Mother Nature’s Distractions
Mother Nature’s Distractions Mother Nature speaks to us in a language we can all understand. It’s the most beautiful language in the world, because it stimulates all our senses and sends invaluable messages to help us navigate our life journey. During my morning walk today, it felt as if I were on a Hitchcock movie […]
Dean Koontz/ Author of Horror or Visionary Fiction?
Note to Reader: I’ve written a post at the Visionary Fiction Alliance titled Is Dean Koontz a Visionary Fiction Writer? In it, I question if Dean Koontz is an author of horror or visionary fiction. At the Visionary Fiction Alliance we share a list of books, film, and television that we consider visionary fiction, which includes: Examples […]