Feed is the largest single production expense on the dairy farm. No feed means no milk. Period. Regardless of all the other factors that enter the equation, such as cow genetics, health and management, the dairy feeding program most affects productivity and profitability. So, from the dairyman’s standpoint, the marketing slogan “Got Milk? easily translates […]
The Space Between Us, A Living Bridge
While reading an article by Anita Rehker in Science of Mind magazine titled “Gregg Braden and the Promise of 2012,” I was reminded of why I named my blog “Enter the Between.” Gregg Braden says, “…we now know that there is a living field which scientists call a ‘matrix of energy’ that connects all things, and that we communicate with that […]
The Next Scientific Revolution
Dr. Marilyn SchlitzIn a one minute video Dr. Schlitz explores the possibility that we are now going through the next scientific revolution, one every bit as profound as those created by Copernicus, Darwin, and Einstein. Marilyn Schlitz is the President of The Institute of Noetic Sciences. She says that today’s “science is showing that some […]
Holy Mackerel! / Festa do Chicharro
Regardless of the origin of the expression, “holy mackerel,” it’s what came to mind when I saw hundreds of chicharros (blue jack mackerel) cooking on the barbecue at the Portuguese Hall on Pocket Road, Saturday, September 10. The Sacramento Portuguese Holy Spirit Society (SPHSS) was holding its first Festa do Chicharro. Fishing for chicharro plays an important role in […]
Hungry Cows to Happy Cows, A Never Ending Story
Harvest Time It’s harvest time on our dairy farm. Time to reap the corn of our labors. The irrigation pumps have been turned off for several weeks now–a respite before harvest–just enough time to get the corrals ready for winter. Time to scoop up the dry manure and pile it up for other uses on the dairy, such as bedding […]
Lead Out Loud
As part of my attempt to build bridges through spiritual networking and bridge the gap between our conscious mind and our source within, I share a video that will inspire you. It starts out like this: “Each one of us on this earth has it. The ability to lead and inspire. sometimes our work feels […]