Joe Konrath made $100,00 in three weeks selling his self-published books on Kindle. He explains this phenomenal achievement in an article called “Reality Check,” where one sentence stands out like the warning beacon on a highway patrol car. “In the long run, except in the case of bestsellers and huge advances, a writer WILL make more money self-publishing.” Reality check. Could this really […]
Publishing and Marketing
An Unpublished Author’s Website
Why do people visit an author’s website? Well, that’s a no-brainer. To read about the author’s published books, of course. And if the visitors are fans or from the media, they’ll also be interested in the author’s bio, her media information, and ways to contact her. So where does that leave an unpublished author like me? I mean, why should I even bother putting up a website and then […]
Why Writers Need Their Own Author Website
Many book authors decide that they do not need their own book author websites. These authors feel that they can get enough exposure by listing their book on the various online book sites.Yet, if you are truly interested in giving your book the best online marketing opportunities, you need to have your own author website. […]
Building a Brand, Mystery Style
Novelist Stephanie Zia calls self promotion “The Author’s Nightmare,” yet she stresses that shame has to “go right out of the window” when it comes to marketing one’s book. In his article, “Novice Authors Must Promote Themselves, Since Publishers Won’t,” Washington Post Staff Writer, Neely Tucker, says, “…for thousands of writers it’s a figure-it-out-yourself world of creating book trailers, Web sites […]
Crafting a Successful Author Event. Bring it on!
How does one create a successful author event–you know, the book launch, the coming out party, the please buy my book fair? On October 8th, my friend, Natalia, and I drove to Chateau LaMair in Granite Bay to find out. Former senior editor at Random House and co-author of The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Getting Published, Jennifer Basye […]
How to Grab Them In Your First 2000 Words
As a follow-up to She Writes first-ever “We Love New Novelists!” contest, literary agents Sally Wofford-Girand and Eleanor Jackson join editor Sara Weiss and She Writes’ Founder Kamy Wicoff on Blog Talk Radio to discuss that all-important question for any first-time author: how do you grab your reader’s attention in the first 2000 words? Using the […]