My protagonist, Marjorie Veil Sunwalker gives her input, and then, well, I share a bit about my fascination with fairy tales as a child and The Twilight Zone as a teen. In my adult life, well…there’s Dean Koontz, James Long, and Joanne Harris, for starters.
Visionary Fiction
Hal Zina Bennett and The Puzzle of Visionary Fiction
I was fortunate to be able to discuss the genre of visionary fiction with Hal Zina Bennett, the multi talented author and teacher who inspired me way back in 2002 to follow my gut and call my writing what it is. Follow this link for part one of our interchange at Visionary Fiction Alliance, my second home. […]
Something to Crow About – Website Header
Edger Allen Poe’s “Raven” symbolized darkness and death, with it’s repeated answer, “Nevermore,” but I bet Poe also selected the raven for his poem because birds of the crow family are the most intelligent of the bird kingdom. Even Alfred Hitchcock discovered while filming “The Birds” that crows remember faces and have minds of their own.
Our Shadow Selves Have Much to Teach Us
On the next sunny day, bust past any blocks you’re experiencing and check out your shadow. It’s fun. I tried it. And since no one else was listening, we had a little chat.
Transformational Literature – 20 Books that Enlighten and Entertain
In a world riddled with fear, misunderstanding, and lost hope, I believe there is an audience for transformational literature that heals, empowers, and bridges differences. So on this “Freebie Friday,” I’d like to introduce you to 20 books that enlighten as well as entertain.
Barbara Marx Hubbard
Who is Barbara Marx Hubbard? A visionary dreams of the kind of world he or she wants to create. A futurist figures out how to do it. Put the two together and you have Barbara Marx Hubbard. Hubbard is the co-founder and chairperson of the Foundation for Conscious Evolution and the global ambassador for the conscious […]