Birth Day, December 22, 2012, is the day Barbara Marx Hubbard plans to do her darndest to unite us all in what is called the noosphere, the thinking layer of the Earth, where we are not separate but one.
Visionary Fiction
Ageless Wisdom Teachings to Supplement What We Know
Too smart for ageless wisdom teachings? We don’t need wisdom teachings from the past to guide us on our journeys toward self-discovery. Right? We have science. We have technological gadgets galore. We are so full of confidence, determination and eagerness to push forward that we hardly even read the instructions that come with our purchases and assignments anymore. As my granddaughter says when […]
Taking the Weird out of Metaphysics
Metaphysics is weird. Yes, many of the ideas and theories that metaphysics deals with seem really, really weird – even crazy – until they prove to be true.
Life of Pi – Interspirituality in Hollywood?
Life of…pi times r squared. My initial intention was simply to introduce you to the movie, Life of Pi, because it clearly fits the genre of visionary fiction, and movies that do so don’t come by that often. But I couldn’t resist throwing the number “pi” into the mix. As we all learned in school, pi is the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter, and […]
What is the Association for Global New Thought?
The Association for Global New Thought. Words that pack a punch. “Global” stands for the entire planet and all that lives on it, animals, plants, and humans. All as one. Imagine that. “New” stands for change, and change is hard. Change involves risk. Change means stepping out of our comfort zone. Change opens doors. “Thought” stands for power. According to quantum physics, the world is […]
Making Sense of Our lives through Story
When writing a post recently for Visionary Fiction Alliance about the relevance of visionary fiction in today’s world, I realized how important “story” is to our lives. I’m not just talking about the stories written by our favorite authors for our reading pleasure. I’m talking about our life stories, the stories that begin on page one of a blank […]