A gift: Dean Koontz’s Innocence
In his latest novel INNOCENCE, Dean Koontz writes: “…there is no chance, only choice, no luck, but only consequences.”
I agree, but…
I could hardly believe my luck…okay, the consequence of one of my choices, when I received a gift from Dean Koontz in the mail.
It was a hard cover copy of Dean Koontz’s INNOCENCE with a personal note and the author’s signature.
I had just finished reading INNOCENCE on my Kindle and was still digesting all the images it had left imprinted on my mind (a Dean Koontz novel always guarantees thought-provoking images, scenes, and passages), when my husband handed me the large manila envelope he’d retrieved from the mailbox.
It took me several seconds to take in the name of the sender.
Dean Koontz!
My husband grinned while I did my goofy dance.
Dean Koontz is hard, if not impossible, to categorize.
I have only recently become a Dean Koontz fan.
He is generally considered a writer of horror – and I’m not fond of horror (the only Stephen King book I’ve ever read is A MEMOIR OF THE CRAFT; ON WRITING), so I’m not sure what possessed me to read one of Koontz’s novels. Maybe someone gave it to me. Maybe I picked it up in a bargain bin somewhere.
The book’s title was WATCHERS and, while reading it, I fell in love with a dog named Einstein and an author named Dean Koontz.
Then along came the ODD THOMAS series. Again, I don’t know how I discovered it, but I do know that Koontz’s “odd” protagonist nabbed and bagged my heart before I even got to paragraph two.
Dean Koontz crosses boundaries. He does his own thing.
Fiction that heals, empowers, and bridges differences.
When I opened my mind to what Koontz has to say rather than what book critics say about him, I realized that he not only tells a good story, but enlightens and encourages readers to expand their awareness of greater possibilities. In other words, he helps readers see the world in a new light and recognize dimensions of reality they commonly ignore.
In a world riddled with fear, misunderstanding, and lost hope, you might just welcome fiction that heals, empowers, and bridges differences.
And of this, Dean Koontz’s most recent release, INNOCENCE, is a perfect example.
Check it out. You’ll be glad you did.
As always, thanks for stopping by,
It’s funny how our reading habits change through the years. Many years ago (twenty?), I read a LOT of Dean Koontz books. They scared the hell out of me and in that time of my life, that was what I enjoyed. I also read a lot of Stephen King. The two of them were the best. Then something changed — I don’t know what — and I moved on to other kinds of reading. Maybe I’ll pick one up and give it a try again. I’m so pleased you’ve made this connection with him. It’s very exciting. Have a Merry Christmas!
It’s not only our reading habits that change, Rosi, but sometimes writers change as well, which I believe is the case with Dean Koontz. I think his writing has evolved. As I said, horror is not my thing. If Dean Koontz’s work was scary and horrific and without hope, he wouldn’t be on my reading list and his work wouldn’t leave me inspired.
What a wonderful Christmas gift, Margaret. You’ve inspired me to read Mr.K’s new novel. Thank you.
You’re welcome, Jo. I know you’ll love it, as did I.
I will have to check it out. Still reading your book! <3
Hope you like my story. Compared to Dean Koontz…well, I’m humbled.