One of my goals has been to live long enough to finish all four books in my “Enter the Between” visionary fiction series. Success. I made it. One day before my 70th birthday. The second (much improved) edition of BETWEEN NOW AND FOREVER is finally available on Amazon. If I’m lucky, I’ll now have enough time to catch up on all I’ve neglected during the nineteen years it took to write and perfect my books for publication. I can’t wait to get away from the computer. And back to life!
Book One: Between Will and Surrender
Below are synopses of the four novels in my “Enter the Between” series:

The only prison she faces is the one in her mind.
Silicon Valley resident Marjorie Veil has been conditioned to ignore her own truth, to give way her power, to subjugate in relationships with others, and to settle for the path of least resistance. But she has many surprises in store, for there are synchronistic forces at work in her life that, if she listens, will lead her to her authentic heart and happiness. The seemingly impossible happens in the wild of the Los Padres National Forest where Marjorie goes on retreat to make sense of her life when she thinks she has gone insane. The innocence of the Native American orphan Marjorie befriends, as well as more mystery and adventure than she bargained for, show her how love can heal in what turns out to be a transformative spiritual quest.
Book Two: Between Darkness and Dawn

Is there room in her heart for what she is still to become?
Marjorie Veil is running again. But this time, she’s not running from herself. She’s running to embrace her past so she may move on with her future. A future that includes a man and an orphaned boy who both love her. But in order to build a life with them, she must have the strength to defy the expectations of her over-protective adoptive mother, and she must be steadfast in deciphering the veiled messages coming from the Native American woman who died giving her birth. Marjorie’s quest is the story of the soul trying to break free of its conditioned restraints to live a life of freedom, courage, and authenticity, and focus on what is really important in her precious present moments.
Book Three: Between Yesterday and Tomorrow
It is only by letting go that she can make room for what comes next.

When Marjorie Veil takes refuge at a friend’s Victorian mansion in Pacific Grove, otherwise known as Butterfly Town USA, she seeks answers to two burning questions. Why had her biological father abandoned her at birth? And why is her mother sending messages from beyond the grave, shedding light on agonizing secrets she took with her when she died? Despite plans to enjoy Pacific Grove’s quaint bookstores, ocean views, and butterfly sanctuary, Marjorie’s stay is anything but replenishing. She senses something disturbing beneath the mansion’s outward calm. Soon she begins seeing and hearing things that cause her to question her sanity, and she unearths a backyard labyrinth that holds its own powerful secrets.
Book Four: Between Now and Forever
The messages that need to come through to her have a passageway, and sometimes it takes an enemy to break through.

Medicate or nurture; reform or set free? These are quandaries rookie teacher Marjorie Veil faces when she takes on an after-school class for thirteen-year-olds labeled as troublemakers, unteachable, and hopeless. Faculty skeptics warn that all these kids need is prescribed medication for focus and impulse control. “Bring them into line,” they say. “Show them who’s boss.” But, as Marjorie quickly discovers, behind their anti-conformist exteriors are gifted teens that are sensitive, empathetic, and wise beyond their youth. They also happen to have unique psychic abilities, which they have kept hidden until now. Can Marjorie help her students do what she has been unable to do for herself: fight for their spiritual and emotional freedom?
Books one, two, three, and four have won numerous awards, so I feel confident in encouraging you to give them a read.
Thanks, my friends, for your continued support.