The Hidden Dimension
- Deepak Chopra calls it The Hidden Dimension of Life.
- James Redfield calls it The Responsive Universe.
- Robert Butler calls it The White Hot Center of The Unconscious.
- Kabir Helminski calls it the Threshold Between Two Worlds.
- Janet Conner calls it The Intersection.
It’s the dimension outside of the normal five senses where your earthly and spiritual lives overlap.
It’s where artists find inspiration, where scientists find breakthroughs, where athletes find super-human strength, and where mystics find God.
It’s also where an average person like you and me can go for deeper understanding when the intellect can find none.
Consider it a zone where the analytic flow stops and you enter the sensual flow of experience from the unconscious, sort of like an awakened dream state or the theta brainwave state.
Call it what you will, we are suspended between an outer world and the mystery of the inner world. And it pays to expand the size of this meeting point and the frequency of your visits there.
Well, for one thing, it can help expand your God-given talents so you can share them with the world.
But how?
Let me start by passing on some of the things I’ve discovered in Janet Conner’s third Plug In tele-class.
(In previous posts, Plug In With Janet Conner and Plug In, Janet Conner, and Synchronicity , I shared some of what I’d learned in our first two classes about The Intersection and ways to expand it.)
In class three, we discussed Messengers and Guides (to The Intersection/Hidden Dimension of Life) with guest expert Margo Mastromarchi.
Margo talked about how to recognize our guides, how they come, and how to work with them.
Guides come in many forms, of which the following are just a sample:
- Angels
- Spirit Guides
- Animals
- Ancestors
- Masters and Teachers
- The person standing next to you
Guidance also comes in many forms, among them:
- Intuition
- Gut feeling
- Emotions
- Synchronicity
- Dreams
- Prayer
- Meditation
- Literature
- The media
The tools to increase your access to guides and their guidance are, again, too many to mention here, but my overall take on what I’ve learned so far is that you should:
- Ask for guidance: Plant the subject in your mind and then go about your business.
- Have faith that the guidance/messages you need will come: Don’t try to force them. They will appear when you least expect them to.
- Be open: Pay attention. Keep a notebook handy. Messages are bombarding you all the time. they can move in and out of your consciousness like dreams.
- Let your body’s wisdom point the way.
“When a moment knocks on the door of your life, it is often no louder than the beating of your heart, and it is very easy to miss.” –Boris Pasternak
If you’re interesting in learning more about how to awaken to messages all around you, here are some books and websites you might enjoy:
- Writing Down Your Soul by Janet Conner.
- Awakening to Your life’s Purpose by Eckhart Tolle
- The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle
- How to Know God; The Soul’s Journey Into the Mystery of Mysteries, by Deepak Chopra.
- God and the Evolving Universe by James Redfield and Michael Murphy.
- The Celestine Vision by James Redfield
- Angel Messenger.
- Making Sense of Synchronicity
Thanks for stopping by,
Margaret nice article. The universe is a wonderful place to put your good thoughts. It will bring good benefits back to you.
Great post and very thought provoking…
Hi Dorothy. I believe we spend way too little time allowing the Universe to speak to us. Artists have to pay particular attention, because the best art comes from the subconscious, the gut, and the emotions, rather than the intellect.
Thanks Lee.
How inspiring this piece is! We're all looking for something special in our life we can own. Listening to that quiet low voice within offers not only some of the best inspiration, but guideance for your life. Oddly, it comes when you least expect it. Don't you find this to be the case, too?
This is an article worthy to share with my readers. Once I find a tie into it, then I'll happily share this with you.
~Cathy Kennedy, Children's Author
The Tale of Ole Green Eyes
Catch my blog post Poor Lisa Rinna!
Hi Cathy. Yes, messages come when we least expect them. Out of the Blue! Guess the secret is to really listen and then actually FOLLOW their guidance. How nice of you to want to share my article with your readers. Feel free.
Margaret, This is fabulous. I read tarot cards and try to channel spirit guides whenever I am open enough to receive them. My friends call me a witch. Cackle cackle. This makes me sound like a fruit cake, but it appears I'm in good company! 🙂
I have a shaman girlfriend who is very talented at leading us to decipher these messages, as well. What an inspirational way to connect with the universe. Great post. Thank you for the reminder.
Hi Heather. I think the world is changing, and people are becoming more open-minded and ready to trust their gut, their subconscious, the part of them and the part of the Universe that knows what they need, when their conscious/practical mind often leads them astray. We live in a world of vibrations. All situations have a vibe. Learning to read these vibs and respond to them is the key.
Hi Margaret,
Messengers and Guides is an arena that brings back fond memories of a mentor who first exposed me to this wonderful 'living' concept, an arena I would like to re-visit as part of my life's journey. Thank you for the reference sources so I can explore another place where good things happen. bernadine
Hello Bernadine. I like the term "wonderful living." With all the tragedy we see in the world around us (times of unknowing), we must always remember to keep a positive attitude, trust there will be a better day, and allow our limited vision to stay sharp and clear. This way, we will be open to the divine invitations we receive each day to expand and evolve, invitations that will take us out of our comfort zone–from safe to sensational.
This is a fascinating subject of which I am deeply interested. Deepak Chopra and Wayne Dyer both have peaked my interest in this subject matter and by reading their books, specifically, Wisdom of the Ages by Dyer, I have learned to go within in order to try and understand and more importantly become my authentic self.
I will definitely check out some of the books you have listed. Thanks for an intriguing and inspirational post.
Hi Poetic Shutterbug. I believe that people like Deepak Chopra and Wayne Dyer are helping many people, especially during these difficult times. I haven't read WISDOM OF THE AGES, but will do so soon. Thanks for the tip.
I have a book by Deepak Chopra and refer to it constantly. There is so much to learn.
Hi Judy. In my opinion, Deepak Chopra is a gift to the world. I'm glad you have discovered him, too.
Wonderful post, Margaret! I'm, too, fascinated by this subject, and often drawn to it to find my inner self.
I've read a few of the books on your list, and there are some I'll have to check out!
Thanks, Icy BC. This is a fascinating subject, one that connects to my four novels, so is doubly interesing to me. There are so many fascinating books and sites on the subject. I'll continue to pass on what I find in future blog posts.