I’m looking forward to participating in the Words & Music Book Faire and Concert at the “Chicks in Crisis Ranch” in Elk Grove, California on May 15, 2022. If you’re in the area, join us.

BETWEEN DARKNESS AND DAWN now available as an audiobook
BETWEEN DARKNESS AND DAWN is now on sale at Audible, iTunes, and Amazon. A great big thank you to talented voice actor Kristen Simoes for bringing book two of my “Enter the Between” series to life.

Top 10 IAP Select Books of 2020
I’m excited to learn that BETWEEN WILL AND SURRENDER is #4 out of the top 10 Indie Author Project Select Books of 2020.
2020 is firmly in the rearview and while we are full steam ahead in 2021, we wanted to take a moment to showcase the authors of the top 10 circulating Indie Author Project Select titles of the last year. These titles accounted for over six thousand reads on BiblioBoard Library from library patrons all over the U.S. and Canada.
Congratulations to all of the authors and cheers to reaching even more readers in 2021! Read on to see who made the LIST.

The results of the 2018 International Book Awards have been announced. Your book has been honored as a “Finalist” in the “Fiction: Visionary” category.
Author’s Showcase: Elk Grove Library

The Tsakopoulos Library Galleria Local Author Fair
Elk Grove Writer’s and Artists “Summer Soriee”

2017 California Writers Club Literary Review

Once again, a mention of me (1967 Supergrad!) by Elizabeth Pinkerton in Elk Grove Citizen’s Lifestyle (February 5, 2016).

Thank you Elizabeth Pinkerton for mentioning me today (April 10, 2015) in Elk Grove Citizen’s Lifestyle.

I gave a presentation titled “Marketing Strategies for Technological Greenhorns” at the CWC Sacramento Branch

at Visionary Fiction Alliance.