Let me introduce you to Janet Conner and her unique interactive radio show, “The Soul-Directed Life.”
Not only does Janet Conner have guests worth every moment of our valuable time, but we can share, listen to, or download her program archives – free – at our own convenience.
According to Janet Conner’s radio show description: Each month is devoted to a particular theme—such as “the call to go inside” or “the call to create.” Every week Janet Conner and her guests will share how they heard their soul calling and answered. To help you hear and answer your own unique yet similar calls, Janet and her guests will suggest topics and questions for deep soul writing.
I happened to be sitting in my hotel room on an overnight trip out of town when I discovered Janet Conner’s radio show. I listened to a podcast of her conversation with someone I greatly admire: Matthew Fox, the author of 27 books on spirituality and culture and its reinvention – two of my favorites: THE A.W.E. PROJECT, Reinventing Education; Reinventing the Human, and The Physics of Angels.
On this particular podcast, Janet Conner and Matthew Fox discuss his book, Creativity: Where the Divine and the Human Meet.
Another one of Janet Conner’s special radio show guests I admire is Lauren Artress, a leading force in the worldwide labyrinth movement – my favorite: Walking a Sacred Path; Rediscovering the Labyrinth as a Spiritual Tool.
So on this Freebie Friday, let me pass on to you the wonderful gift of Janet Conner’s radio show, The Soul-Directed Life.
As always, thanks for stopping by,
I really like this. I’m definitely goes take some time to listen to this. Thank you for bringing this to the forefront.
This sounds great! Thanks for the post. I will definitely be sharing this with my daughter. It is right up her alley.
Yes, Susan. The podcasts run about an hour, so you have to choose which one/ones you really want to listen to. As I said, I was in a hotel room with no other distractions, a perfect time to listen in. Some very interesting stuff.
Hi Rosi. Your daughter will probably have heard of at least one or two of the guests on Janet’s show. She’s probably also handy with listening to podcasts on her smart phone and can listen in while jogging or driving her car. That’s next on my list of technologies to learn.
Thanks for the tip! This is helpful!
You’re welcome, Jodi.