The medicine wheel is a universal symbol, and its meaning has been defined by different cultures throughout the ages based on their location, religious beliefs, and tribal practices.
Medicine Wheel Directions:
The basic Native American medicine wheel has four directions or compass points with different sets of energies that serve as guides to living a healthy and balanced life:
1. East represents the beginning and renewal.
2. South represents the growth and flowering of all living beings.
3. West represents introspection and transition.
4. North represents giving back or sharing one’s wisdom with others.
Each of the directions is represented by a distinctive color, such as yellow, red, black, and white, which for some stands for the human races.
The Medicine Wheel also Represents:
1. Stages of life: birth, youth, adult, death
2. Seasons of the year: spring, summer, fall, winter
3. Aspects of life: spiritual, emotional, physical, intellectual
4. Elements of nature: fire, water, earth, air
5. Animals: Hawk, Coyote, Butterfly, Buffalo and many more
Enter the Between Series
The four books in my “Enter the Between” visionary fiction series follow my protagonist, Marjorie Veil, along the four directions of the medicine wheel, starting with book one in the direction of the East, where she awakens to her spiritual self, and ending with book four in the North, where she discovers the wisdom of commitment and service.
We are currently experiencing summer, the setting of BETWEEN DARKNESS AND DAWN, book two of my “Enter the Between” series, when Marjorie identifies and erases unhealthy habits, ideas, and emotions that she carries around for no purpose other than to perpetuate old hurts and behaviors and keep her from moving on.
Join Marjorie on her journey to self-awareness and empowerment in the circle of “The Between,” a unique blend of visionary/psychological fiction, action, adventure, and suspense.
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