While reading an article by Anita Rehker in Science of Mind magazine titled “Gregg Braden and the Promise of 2012,” I was reminded of why I named my blog “Enter the Between.”
Gregg Braden says, “…we now know that there is a living field which scientists call a ‘matrix of energy’ that connects all things, and that we communicate with that matrix.”
The space between us is not empty.
We are interconnected, and we exist for the harmonious good of each other.
In her article, Anita Rehker asks if we will be the generation to finally welcome and embrace the diversity of human ideas, cultures, art, music, science, and beliefs, and if we are destined to build a bridge to a new way of living.
Is this the big shift predicted to occur in 2012.
- Between Will and Surrender
- Between Darkness and Dawn
- Between Yesterday and Tomorrow
- Between Now and Forever
There are so many meanings for The Between that I’ve started a list, which I add to daily. Here is just a sampling:
- Where psyche meets spirit
- Where we meet in trust
- Place of transition
- Gateway/doorway
- Gentle pathway/corridor/bridge
- Meeting place/middle ground
- Passage through chaos
- Creative connections
- Middle of transformation of thinking
Get the picture?
The Between is the fertile soil of mind, heart and soul, open wide for exploration.
Eugene D. Holden’s words sum up the purpose of my blog nicely:
“You are not living solely for yourself, but you are allowing yourself to be the space where the purpose and vision of your life touches the lives of others…”
Welcome to my blog.