Between Will and Surrender hits #4 out of the top 10 IAP Select Books of 2020!
I find it strange–and wonderful–that when my mind is otherwise occupied, good things seem to happen. I mean, out of the blue! Totally unexpected, even unearned when it comes to seeking out such small miracles.
A few days ago, while checking my email, I received a message that my name had been mentioned on Twitter. Not an everday occurance, believe me, so, I was eager to take a look.
Which lead to the subsequent tweet:
Check out the top 10 most read #IndieAuthorProject Select titles of 2020: https://indieauthorproject.com/top-circing-iap-select-books-of-2020/… Congrats to all of the authors & cheers to reaching even more readers this year! #TheFutureIsIndie#IndieAuthor#BiblioBoardLibrary@LibraryJournal@PublishersWkly@BiblioBoard
Okay, I thought, but what has that got to do with me?
I followed the link provided to the announcement:
“2020 is firmly in the rearview and while we are full steam ahead in 2021, we wanted to take a moment to showcase the authors of the top 10 circulating Indie Author Project Select titles of the last year. These titles accounted for over six thousand reads on BiblioBoard Library from library patrons all over the U.S. and Canada.
Congratulations to all of the authors and cheers to reaching even more readers in 2021!
Read on to see who made the list.”
Of course, I couldn’t resist reading on and, to my surprise, saw that my book, Between Will and Surrender, was listed as #4 out of the top 10 most read IAP Select books in 2020.
#4 out of the top 10 IAP Select Books of 2020! Really?
Apparently, for an entire year, and without my knowledge, library patrons all of the U.S. and Canada had been reading the first book in my “Enter the Between” fiction series.
I’m still wondering how this came to be, but in my experience, it’s often best with small miracles to savor the moment and not ask too many questions.
According to Wikipedia, the word miracle is often used to characterise any beneficial event that is statistically unlikely but not contrary to the laws of nature, such as surviving a natural disaster, or simply a “wonderful” occurrence, regardless of likelihood.
As if to demonstrate the point, a bookmark with the following quote dropped out of the journal in which I was writing this morning:
If it is true, if it is beautiful, if it is honorable, if it is right, then claim it.
~Rob Bell
Okay, Rob Bell, I’m claiming #4 out of the top 10 most read IAP Select titles of 2020!
And then I move on, confident that more unexpected miracles lie ahead.
As always, thanks for stopping by,