What do Transpersonal Psychology and Visionary Fiction have in common and why do I say their time has come?
The much-condensed answer is:
1. Both are spiritual, but not religious
2. Both envision humanity’s transition into evolved
3. Both include themes of non-ordinary states and
4. Both are relevant due to the growing interest into the
science of spirituality, well-being, and happiness
5. Both remain on the margins of conventional mainstream, on
the cusp of finding their niche
Transpersonal Psychology is a sub-field of psychology that focuses on the spiritual dimension of our lives.
Visionary Fiction is a sub-genre of speculative fiction with mind, body, spirit themes and perspectives, including consciousness expansion, spirituality, mysticism, and parapsychology.
In the simplest terms, Transpersonal Psychology is the PSYCHOLOGY of transformation and Visionary Fiction is the GENRE of transformation.
BETWEEN WILL AND SURRENDER, book one of my “Enter the Between” Visionary Fiction series, introduces transpersonal psychologist, Dr. Tony Mendez.
He explains: “I am sensitive to the spiritual dimensions of reality, one reason I specialize in psychology that supports the transformative potential of spiritual emergencies rather than treats them as mental diseases. Transpersonal psychotherapy rests on the belief that there is something bigger and deeper in the space between that operates upon us.”
Transpersonal Psychology and Visionary Fiction help us realize that we are spiritual beings in physical bodies and our consciousness exists on more than one level, making it easier for us to reach self-actualization and self-fulfillment.
Both are much needed in today’s world, and with our awareness and support, we can help bring them into the mainstream.
Thanks, as always, for stopping by.
Important comparison, Margaret. Thanks. I’ve read a lot of Ken Wilber’s books and participated in the Integral Movement. He is one of the giants of TP and even wrote a novel, Boomeritis, that likely qualifies as VF, come to think of it.
I tried reading Ken Wilber’s The Atman Project: A Transpersonal View of Human Development, but it was too deep for me. Fortunately, some of Stanislav Grof’s work was easier to understand. I’ll have to check out Boomeritis.
Great clarification on TP and VF, Margaret!
Thanks, Rea. TP and VF are such interesting subjects on their own, combined, even more interesting.